Monday, July 11, 2011

Angle of Attack

I get the feeling most think this angle does not exist, we cannot see or feel it, or is unexplainable, therefore it must not exist .
In this blog, which I will post seperately today.
Hogan ,Moe and Tigers Secret, as “Eye” see it. By 1lovegolf, published12232010

I first began to explore the golf motion from the perspective, or view of what the golfer saw, visually as they executed their motion.

I am not the first to write about this possibility of a Secret, or what some have called Hogan's Angle and what  Jody Vasquez has offered as his recollection of what Mr. Hogan passed on to him, in his book,"Afternoons with Mr. Hogan.    Keern  Haslem has offered his thoughts in an ebook called ,  "Hogan's Angle Thesis"and Alan Smith has offered to share his views in the Hogan's Angle also.
 I for one, believe there is something to Hogan’s angle of attack , as it ties to his Secret and what was written about it. The following is what I see as the possible meaning of it all.
Even before I read any text on the subject, I knew there had to be a diagonal motion to the ball of some degree. I have speculated in many posts and offered different theories as to how it works. Unfortunately, not having a good golf motion, experimentation was the best I could do. My trash can and ax video, from youtube, was the closest thing to view, that came close to replicating and observing this angle in a natural swing motion. Unfortunately,  the motion I observed did not fit conventional swing positions. I saw OTT, severe inside BS, rise and falling torso and a host of other conventional descrepencies. However, the motions all contained the same attack angle to the ball or target and what eventually was my saving grace, but that is another story.

Inspiration from Hogan.  
Hogan’s motion is like no other golfer, ever, we all know that, but why is it? His use of the shoulders in what I believe to be an OTT move while maintaining his shaft and spine angle can only involve a move diagonally to the ball.   IMO. I also believe Hogan’s left wrist supination assisted with this.  Now was this intentional or did he discover it by accident? I believe both. One might surprise themselves should they ever challenge conventional wisdom or simply try to figure out there swing motion on their own, IMO.
Also his hip action seems to set this move up. Since Hogans lateral move is done before his back swing is complete, he is in position and can attack the ball diagonally, first with the action of the rear foot and then knee and hip, towards the ball, in motion and intent. Now remember, the left side must lead the motion in direction and path first. Left knee is first, IMO.
This belief does not contradict other theories and beliefs. I believe it actually helps support them. One of which is a firm  right side with no lateral motion back, only left knee forward, then slight lateral left of the hips and now the ball is in a more strategic position, in relation to the swing motion,both physically and visually to attack diagonally.
Personally, I have tried this and from chipping, pitching to full tee shots, each swing requires some degree of diagonal attack , even if it is just the right foot and knees intent to move there. It works!To me, it is the ultimate cause to all the effects. It is balnced and calculated at address and instinctively and naturally executed.
Having said all this, there is much yet to discover and learn.
Eventually this will all come out as others begin to, as they have already, put the pieces of the puzzle together and connect the dots.  All I can offer is that it is a huge piece of the puzzle for me. I first had to believe this angle existed, then, I had to experiment for myself. I will offer this one observation about Hogan’s motion as I see it, Mr. Hogan’s “Supination” of the left wrist or( Cupping and Bowing),  along with a mental and physical intent to attack along a diagonal angle are monumental keys in my swing thoughts and motion.
Quik story,

The following story has inspired me to experiment and observe further. And once again, it happened by accident .  

Last week I hit a shot from just off the fairway with my 5 wood and attacked it out of frustration having only hit it 150 yards off the tee. I just swung back and motioned to the ball and swung. Before I could actually see where it went, it was gone. I knew it went far, but  I lost it as it went over some trees. I went about 200 yards down the fairway hoping to find it .The other three in our foursome came over to help look, no luck, I was fuming.  I nutted that ball and now I would have to take a drop on the far side of a creek that I was trying to hit over.  After taking my drop hitting my third shot we all got to the green, when someone asked if this was my ball, and sure enough it was, some 65 yards past where we were looking for it. I was stunned, how did it go so far. Only 4 other times has this happened, all were shots that I just got up to the ball and attacked it. I felt as if my head was closer to or moving over the ball.  Now I know this really wasn't the case, or was it?
Sometimes even the smallest adjustments, motions, and change of direction are enough. The direction an object or force is moving, no matter how small, is important. The intent to stay motionless or stable is a state of mind, we are always moving. My point is, even though we cannot see the angle of attack through our actual  motions, just the intent and the slightest motion is sometimes enough.
 Good Luck  !
Mark 1lovegolf24
PS: This blog in not an attempt to discover or explain Hogan’s Secret or Angle. It is merely what I have done with the volume of information that has been put out there already and my attempt to use  or experiment with this angle or motion. Furthermore, I do not take any credit for observing this angle.  Having said that, it works for me. The why is not yet important, for now, it just helps me put”That” on “It”, in my natural feel and swing motion.

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